New Non-Skating Members
New Skating Members
If you will be skating with Naptown please complete all of the following -including the nonskating section:
WFTDA Insurance ($75/year) Contact: Naptown WFTDA Committee with your full name and address
WFTDA Agreements Requested when paying/logging into WFTDA
All members are required to pay dues to help cover league expenses. Please contact the dues tracker with any questions.
PayPal Please be sure to select “friends and family”
When submitting your payment include note about what you are paying for (name and month of dues)
You can subscribe for 6 or 12 months with a PayPal Dues Subscription
When submitting your payment include note about what you are paying for (name and month of dues)
ALL league members
If you are working with the league in any capacity please complete the following:
Sign up for the Message Boards requires activation: Naptown Message Boards
NRD Message board activation
Email your username and league status to the League Admin
league status examples- Storm Chaser, Transfer, Limited member, ALM, etc